Water Stewardship

This page includes published Water Stewardship-related works by Ecology North, including reports, curricula and education activities, a colouring and activity book, and public information.

Bottled Water in the NWT

Ecology North launched a study into the amount of bottled water consumed in the NWT in 2014-2015. The research methods, approach, and results are reported in this background document.

Trout Lake Water Quality Sampling 2015-2016

This document presents the results of a sampling program aimed at learning more about how abandoned wells in the Sambaa K'e watershed may be impacting surrounding water quality.

Get to Know Your Watershed! Teacher Resource Guide

This guide includes lesson plans for all grades, each designed to engage students in a hands-on watershed building activity and teach about watersheds, their features, and functions.

Sambaa K’e Source Water Protection Planning

Source water protection planning is an important first step to ensure safe drinking water. This plan identifies potential contaminant sources and includes a series of management actions.

Pepper and the Mighty Mackenzie

Join Pepper the Sand Piper as she explores the mighty Mackenzie River. Through her journey, you will meet lots of friends and find many games – colouring, word searches, connect-the-dots and more!

Fort Resolution Youth Water Monitoring Project

Teaching modules on ice, water quality, and snow, prepared for pilot use with youth in Ft. Resolution. Each module includes multiple activities, activity sheets, a teachers' guide, and curriculum links.

Climate Change Impacts on Northern Water and Wastewater

A protocol for assessing the vulnerability of northern water and wastewater systems to climate change, including assessments for the communities of Wekweètì, Déline, and Tsiigehtchic.

Navigating the Waters of Change

This paper assess the potential impacts of climate change on water and wastewater systems in the NWT. It outlines actions to increase the capacity of communities to respond to these changes.

Behind the Bottle

A four-page information sheet about bottled water. Includes information and fun facts about bottled water and the NWT.