About Us

Our Story

Ecology North was founded in 1971 by a group of dedicated volunteers in response to arsenic pollution in Yellowknife. Since then our mandate has expanded considerably with projects tackling issues like climate change, waste reduction, water quality and food sovereignty.

Our staff and volunteers are supported by a strong Board of Directors who continue to promote appreciation and protection of the natural environment of the NWT through a comprehensive approach.

We encourage public participation in resolving environmental issues, and we strive to stay well-grounded in the natural world by sponsoring natural history activities for the public throughout every season. A commitment to environmental, social, and community well-being is in everything we do.

Read our 2021 Annual Newsletter for a review of our work between September 2020 and September 2021!

Business/Registration Number: 11889 2736 RR0001

Our Strategic Plan

Ecology North Board of Directors, staff, members, and supporters worked to develop this, our second strategic plan. The process was collaborative, engaging, and participatory.

This strategic plan will guide us through decision making and lays out our priorities for the next three years, from October 1, 2020 to September 3, 2023. Our first strategic plan guided us through 2015-2020 and can be found here.

The goals and objectives laid out in this strategic plan will inform the development of our Action Plans, tangible and attainable markers that will directly inform our work and actions here at Ecology North. Our vision, mission, and values are outlined in this document.

Click below to read the strategic plan:

Ecology North Strategic Plan 2020-2023