Previously a joint-project between the City of Yellowknife and Ecology North, the Backyard Composting Program is now housed under the City of Yellowknife’s Solid Waste Facility.
Backyard Composting is a fun way for residents to manage their organics recycling at home. Citizens directly benefit from their own efforts by producing valuable compost for their yards and gardens. The City benefits by reducing collection and management costs.
The City of Yellowknife continues to sell backyard composters at a subsidized rate of $35.
Please see the City’s website for details on how to contact the gatehouse about buying a composter:
City of Yellowknife Solid Waste Management
For tips on how to backyard compost please see the links below:
Backyard Composting North of 60
Northern Backyard Farming: Composting
Compost fun fact: George Washington, the United State’s first president, was also the nation’s first recognized composter. (Source: ASCP Journal)