Rivers to Oceans Day

Rivers to Oceans Day is an annual education blitz on all things rivers to oceans. It is hosted outdoors (rain or shine!), at the Somba K’e Civic Plaza in Yellowknife, during the second week of June.

Up to 24 stations, hosted by various government departments, municipalities, universities, non-profits, and other organizations, are set up around the plaza. Stations host different activities which cover a range of topics, including fish dissection, water safety races, and water quality testing experiments. Students in grade 1 and 5 from across Yellowknife and nearby communities are invited to take part in this day of fun and learning.

Rivers to Oceans Day is hosted in partnership with the GNWT’s department of Environment and Natural Resources.

Read our article in Above&Beyond: Rivers to Oceans Day, Connecting humans, the land, and aquatic ecosystems

Check back soon for more photos!