The Tsiigehtchic Adaptation Project was loosely based on a process developed by the Northern Climate Exchange for the Dawson City Adaptation Plan (NCE. 2009). The resulting collaborative process drew knowledge and expertise from both the community and technical experts from the Northwest Territories.
Gwichya Gwich’in Climate Change Adaptation Plan – This report is based on a community climate change workshop hosted in Tsiigehtchic in December, 2009. It includes climate change concerns and next steps for the community.
Gwichya Gwich’in Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan – This implementation plan outlines the recommended adaptations and attempts to provide a schedule and timeline for the implementation of adaptation activities.
Gwichya Gwich’in Climate Change Adaptation Plan Brochure – This brochure summarizes the key aspects of the community’s Climate Change Adaptation plan.
Tsiigehtchic Community Profile – This document provides basic historical, geographic, and demographic information about Tsiigehtchic.